Winterbourne Academy



Please contact us if you are not well enough to come in. If you are ill, please call 01454 252051. Click here to access our request for absence form.

Dress Code

  • Click here to read our dress code in full.
  • Students who enter the Sixth Form as young adults within the academy community understand the importance of acting as role models. They are expected to set an example to the rest of the Academy, whilst enjoying the privilege of expressing themselves more independently.
  • Ultimately, students enter the Sixth Form to work and contribute to the wider school community – their dress should reflect this.
  • The underlying principle for the dress code is that students should dress smartly and appropriately for a working day at the Academy.

Subject specific dress codes:

  • Engineering students should wear clothing appropriate to Health and Safety standards for practical sessions.

The final decision what is acceptable rests with the Sixth Form Leadership Team. Please respect their decision in upholding the policy. Students may be sent home to change if dress is deemed inappropriate.