Winterbourne Academy



Exam information for students & parents/carers

Students are examined in a variety of ways including formal exams, controlled assessment, practical exams, coursework and oral exams.

We hope that the information provided below can answer your queries about examinations at Winterbourne Academy; however, if you have a query regarding exams that isn't explained below, please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Team:

Telephone Please contact main reception on 01454 252000 

Exam Officer email: 

General Exams email:



GCSE & A Level Summer Exams

This summer's official exam dates have now taken place.  We'd like to say a big thank you to all students for their excellent behaviour throughout. We wish you the very best of luck with your results!



Results day letters, giving information on how & when to collect exam results, have been emailed to all students and parents/carers. You can find copies of these letters below.

Results Days are:

  • Thursday 15th August – A LEVEL RESULTS
  • Thursday 22nd August – GCSE RESULTS

Y10 Results Day Letter

Y11 Results Day Letter

Y12 Results Day Letter

Y13 Results Day Letter 


Post-Results Services - Summer 2024

If you're unhappy with an exam result, then you may wish to use one of the post-results services offered by the exam boards, including clerical re-check, review of marking and access to scripts.  

Please note that it is rare for exam boards to increase marks through a review of marking (ROM). A ROM checks the marking has been correctly applied by the original examiner (within a certain tolerance) – it is NOT a re-mark of the paper. Please discuss any potential review of marking request with your teacher before submitting an application form to the exam office.

Details of the post-results services available can be found here:

 Post Results Services Summer 2024


Exam Certificate Collection

Summer 2024 exam certificates will be made available for students to collect from the OAT building (the old 6th form entrance at the bottom of the car park at Winterbourne Academy) on dates/times to be confirmed (beginning of December 2024).

Exam certificates are legal documents and students are required to sign to confirm receipt of their certificates. If students are not able to collect them in person, they can let us know in writing who is authorised to collect on their behalf. The person collecting will need to bring their photo ID with them when they collect.

RS & Citizenship GCSE certificates for Year 10 will be held until their Year 11 GCSEs are collected. These can be collected from Reception if students prefer to get them earlier.

It is each student’s responsibility to collect their certificates. Certificates not collected within one year of their release may be securely disposed of.  Replacement certificates are not generally available for GCSEs and examination boards may charge for replacement certificates of other qualifications (if they offer a replacement service at all). If your GCSE certificates have been disposed of then your only option may be to contact the exam boards for a 'Certified Statement of Results'. Please note that Winterbourne Academy will not pay the cost of any replacement certificates or Certified Statements of Results. 


Exam Guidance


JCQ Exam Guidance

Guidance is produced for learners by JCQ and clearly outlines examination rules and regulations. It is essential that all students are aware of, and follow the rules set out. Serious consequences are enforced by the exam boards for breaches. The guidance documents can be found via the links below:


IFC-Coursework Assessments

IFC-NE Assessments

IFC-Written Examinations

Information for candidates Privacy Notice

JCQ - Preparing to sit your exams

JCQ - AI and Assessments a guide for students